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15000-25000元 南宁 应届毕业生 本科
  • 全勤奖
  • 节日福利
  • 不加班
  • 周末双休
南宁哈罗礼德学校 2025-02-25 12:01:17 71人关注
Overall Responsibilities · Promote high standards in all aspects of school life, particularly in student progress. · Actively support the values, vision, ethos, culture and policies of the school. · Inspire and motivate students, teachers and other school employees. · Comply with the professional duties of the Harrow staff Code of Conduct. · Contribute to a school culture which is positive, purposeful and professional. · Engage positively in the school Appraisal process and performance management arrangements. · Take a fair and appropriate share of duties. · Maintain a teaching load appropriate to the position, including the participation of Enrichment Activities if appropriate, and as directed by the Head of Upper School. · Support and attend all major school events. · Are committed to safeguarding and to promoting the welfare of children and young people. · Are committed to fully engaging in the bilingual context of the school; through lessons, cultural events, boarding, and general collegiality. Teaching, Learning and Assessment · Possess a functional familiarity with the relationship between the UK National Curriculum guidelines, Chinese National Curriculum, and Harrow school Long and Medium Term Plans (LTP / MTPs), lesson plans and evaluation for the particular year groups/subjects taught. · Keep up to date with curriculum developments through reading and CPD opportunities, attending CPD organised by school and proactively looking to further develop as a teacher. · Plan, prepare and document lessons. · Manage curriculum development and associated resources in a manner that challenges and interests students and is appropriate to their needs and skill-levels. · Take responsibility for curriculum delivery and associated resources in a manner consistent with school and departmental policies and procedures. · Maintain an ongoing assessment of and for learning (alongside formal school assessments / examinations) related to MTPs and associated learning objectives. · Prepare students for, and administer, summative assessment programmes including both school-based and externally examined assessments. · Maintain consistency with internal and relevant external marking schedules and moderation procedures. · Maintain legible, verifiable, accurate, comprehensive, defendable, and fair records of formative and summative assessment results. · Write reports on student performance for internal and external use as required. · Be an outstanding role model, setting high personal expectations of subject teaching, curriculum planning, professionalism, professional development and administration. · Promote a positive ethos ensuring that all students are stretched and challenged, and enjoy and value academic subjects. · Promote student independence, leadership, and voice within the curriculum. · Ensure that all internal examinations are set, conducted, and marked in a manner consistent with external examination expectations. · Promote cross-curricular dimensions and the development of cross-curricular functional skills: literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy. Other Responsibilities • Harrow school offers full and part-time boarding to students from Year 6 and up. All of our staff make a contribution to our lively boarding programme of evening and weekend activities and excursions at various times throughout the academic year. This is a fun and rewarding way of supporting the development of our students and building strong relationships within the Harrow and wider community • Undertake other reasonable duties as requested by members of the Senior Leadership Team and any duties that the Head deems necessary for the effective operation of the school
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